Sunday, November 30, 2008


i ran/walked my first 10K on thanksgiving morning and i'm officially hooked. texarkana half-marathon here i come on 3/1/2009.

trotted across the finish line in 1:32:55...14:58 pace...for those of you who don't know, that's fast...for a grandmother...i am not a grandmother


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Trot

Jeremy and Amber will be running the Turkey Trot in the morning. Prego here will not be running a 10K this year.

Tonight my cousin and I are putting our boys to bed & then we'll be trotting off to watch Twilight. I'm just hoping its as good as the book.

We are so excited to be home and we'll be packing in as much fun with family and friends as possible.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Come on!

Have you heard they may be getting closer to a movie.

If you aren't a fan give it a try. Please be patient its an acquired taste and the characters will grow on you. The show gets funnier as you get all the jokes and know the people. I guess that is why it was was too funny.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

All Aboard

Hey East Texas bloggers what do you know about the the The Polar Express Ride? Let me know your thoughts. Ollie LOVES this movie and my mom & I plan on taking him this year.

Friday, November 14, 2008


While my sister was reading the Twilight series she told me I had to read it. She said she couldn't put it down & she loved them...blah, blah, blah. She's always reading something and I didn't think much about it. But everywhere I turn I hear about this book. After a visit to our local library I found out there was a waiting list for the book and I'd be the 11th person on the list. More curious than ever we went straight to Target to purchase the book and I'm pleased to say I'm on the bandwagon. Have you read it? What are you reading?

Jeremy is reading The New Kings of Nonfiction. He loves This American Life and I mean loves it...maybe even obsessed.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rock the Vote

I didn't rock the vote today. I've was very confident (okay just a little confident) we completed all the paper work needed to be registered voters of our new county, Bowie, and didn't think much about it during this long election. Well, last week I thought I should check into it just in case I wanted to vote early. Apparently we are still registered in Harris County. At this point, I know my sweet mother-in-law is sighing in disappointment...sorry. I just couldn't drive from Texarkana to Houston to vote today. Maybe subconsciously I let this all happen because I have still not accepted that we actually live in Texarkana ;)

I didn't rock today BUT Compassion rocks. Our friend Brian and his brother-in-law are leading a a team of bloggers in the Dominican Republic. I love hearing from the compassion bloggers and their unique experiences. Read about it here. My mom will be glad to know Malboro Man and some of his kids are on the trip.