Friday, November 21, 2008

Come on!

Have you heard they may be getting closer to a movie.

If you aren't a fan give it a try. Please be patient its an acquired taste and the characters will grow on you. The show gets funnier as you get all the jokes and know the people. I guess that is why it was was too funny.


Ashley McWhorter said...

We got one whole season on DVD from Kap and Wendy a couple of years ago. Very funny!!!

Sir Kyle said...

I LOVE this show! I was so pissed when FOX once again axed a great show it didn't get (Firefly anyone?). I love all the in jokes with other shows like "Happy Days" and "Andy Griffith", David Cross (Dr. Tobias Funke, Analrapist? Brilliant), the entire cast and crazy storylines. Pretty much everything about it.

Steve Holt! *fist pump*