Monday, August 20, 2007

Infallibilty of the Papacy

This guy's name is Otto Jansen too...he was a 17th century French theologian who challenged the infalliblity of the Papacy...say that 3 son has roots baby!!

Although it would be cool to be named after a French Theolgian somewhat responsible for shaping modern protestant thought, we actually named our son Otto after Otto Eugene Jansen (born in 1898). He was my great-grandfather. O.E., as he was known around the town of Dayton, TX, was married to a sweet little number named Virginia Brunson. They had a son named Eugene who had a son named Ralph, who had a son named Jeremy who had a son named Otto. Whoa...circular...

Lee (Otto's middle name) was my dad's and is Candice's dad's middle name...Our other son Oliver shares Candice's maiden name as his first name, and has the same middle name as guess who>>??...that's right me!! Oliver McCall or Ollie Mac as he is known in the ArkLaTex (that's not made up...the locals really call the area by that lovely moniker) is very proud of the new addition. When he met Otto, he jumped off the bed, looked me in the eyes, and said..."Can Otto come play trains with me?" Doesn't get much cuter than that.

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