Friday, August 24, 2007

poo poo party

ollie went poo poo in the potty like a big we had a party...what did we have?? you guessed it...brownies
it will be a good day when candice doesn't have to change 2 sets of diapers...


Tabaitha said...

Hey Jeremy! It's Tabaitha from Kingsland. Congratulations on baby Otto! Your boys are so precious. Hope all is well!

G said...

Mimi's so proud of you Ollie.
And thank you, Gee!!!!
The blog is so much fun.
Just think with all this info, your mother won't ask you so many questions....
Love to all.

Jennifer Bacak said...

Candice, I'm feelin' ya! I've been changing two sets of diapers the majority of our parenting career, and getting down to one saves so much money! You can go buy a car and make a monthly payment with what's leftover I think! I just potty-trained Justus, and blogged about it also. You can check my blog from around April.
Way to Go Ollie!